I'm currently in college getting a Bachelors of Science in computer science (a BS in CS lol). I don't really care about pronouns so feel free to use whatever but she/they is safe if you feel uncomfortable with absolute freedom of choice. I am currently learning(re-learning?) html, and have been interested in programming since 4th/5th grade, but before then I still wanted to create videogames I just didn't understand that programming was a thing that existed until I was about 10. This website is sort of a life archive or a home base for information about me and the things that I do/make as not everything fits on github or on a social media site.
I became interested in videogames the day I was born, or whatever day my parents after having me decided to play a video game where I could see the screen, but I became interested in making games after I played a few Harvest Moon games, and I found out how games were made(programming) once I discovered self-made/self-published games on the internet. There is one self-published game that I will not speak the name of to anyone that I do not completely trust with that information(the creator of the game and my best friend) as I have not consumed the source material for what the game is based on, however, I played the game far too many times for what it was. Another self-published game it's called "Summoners Saga" I recently re-found the game, and if you saw my website when I was still looking for it, wow. It's actually a series and it's about this girl named Misa, she's half-angel half-demon and she's looking for her parents I believe, Kai, the orange(red?) hair guy is her owner. I've left my searching-for-the-game-from-memory fanart, but I've also added the official starting image of the game.
You can play it on newgrounds with a flash emulator here. Be careful navigating the different parts of the series as there seem to be multiple owners.
I do one day plan on going through the compleate list of hobbies on wikipedia, as I always want to try new things and I'm curious about what things I may try that I'll enjoy, however I do have a lot of phobias and fears that include things like large bodies of water, bugs (espically ones that have the ability to fly, yes this includes butterflies), dirt, slimey things, giraffes, horses, things that make awful sounds, touching or being touched by other people, teeth, soemtimes living animals, the dark, crowds, needles, driving or being in cars/buses, doctors(not including low stakes doctors like dentist/optomitrist, more so onocology), heights where I'm in control of my injuries(planes are fine), pools, general human exposure bacteria, natural disasters, lightining storms, involentary isolation, stairs, the loss of time or fear of missing out, contaminated food or drink, preteens/young teenagers(covid online schooling has made them very mean but probably not physically violent towrds an adult(ish? get asked if I'm a highschooler a lot)), looking at the sun for too long and causing permentant damage, being looked at or watched, some birds, getting lost in indoor public spaces and getting in trouble, forgetting to wash my hands or turn off the stove, lice, mirrors(mainly at night), that I am or will become a bad person, breaking bones, spontatious combustion, pools(x2 theres so much bacteria please understand), rollercoasters, being pregnant and childbrith, really small childrens health, x-ray side effects, quicksand, and so many more. Those were not in any particular order, some are less concerning than others but the pool bacteria is near the top, it's like the nastiest human soup in existence whose sole purpose in life is to infect as many people as possible. If you ever watched the TV show "Monk", I do relate to the main character. My mom introduced me to the show when I was a kid, it's a police procedure show with an ex-police detective turned into a private consultant for the police who struggles with his phobias but still manages to solve crime.
Some things that I do enjoy and promise am not afraid of is creating diorama/model (doll)houses, usually from kits, I enjoy making all of the accessories and decorations, and then sometimes I'll forget to actually put the house together as I've completed the best part. Another thing that is also fun and a de-stressor is making excel/sheets documents, I'm currently in favor of google sheets as the mobile app is much more intuitive and I can view and edit easier whenever I do not have access to a computer, and the graphics are also nicer. I like making lists, catalogs, and trackers, however, I'm a bit short on ideas so I'm starting to try and automatize these things with google forms instead of entering the information via the document(also a plus that people are more comfortable with google over Microsoft when doing surveys and the form taking app for google). I also really enjoy dress-up games and want to make one eventually, I have an unholy amount of dress-up games final looks saved onto both my phone and my computer(they even have their own sd card). I do enjoy other games, but being able to dress up in other games is also the greatest.
I am also unable to leave any sort of test, quiz, or survey unanswered. If someone mentions a test, I want to take it more than anything. My current highly sought-after tests are the asvab and an IQ test, I always refuse to pay for things that go against my belief that knowledge and software should be free and accessible to anyone, and the "pay to see your results" gives me the same feeling as seeing paywalls on scientific articles, and knowing that the people who did the research/study are barely getting anything to split among how many people who contributed. My MBTI personality is INFJ, my DISC is clarity, my house is Syltherian, my Career Personality Profiler is Innovator with Humanitarian as a close second, RAADS-R is 225, HIGH5 is analyst-strategist-time keeper-thinker-philomath, I've taken far too many to fully remember at this point, and that's not even including the random quiz websites for things like "What's your aura color" "Are you a vampire or a werewolf" "What pokemon are you" and the name/birth/age guesser quizzes as well.